
Targ VHS Christmas Special

Vino alaturi de noi pe 16 Decembrie la Ceainaria Rendez Vous din Calea Floreasca 101, Bucuresti sa petrecem o zi de sarbatoare!

Un ceai aromat din partea casei, tombole cu multe premii si o multime de produse unicat ce abia asteapta sa devina cadou pentru o persoana draga, sunt doar cateva din motivele pentru care va invitam sa vizitati targul vintage, handmade si bio VHS Christmas Special.
Evident ca nu au fost uitati nici cei mici, acestia se pot juca in voie, colora, crea decoratiuni sau scrie o scrisoare catre Mos Craciun alaturi de Spiridus in Atelierul Mosului, special amenajat pentru ei.
Jucariile vechi sau de care nu mai avem nevoie pot fi un prilej de bucurie pentru copiii mai putin norocosi. Colecta de jucarii organizata in cadrul targului, este ocazia perfecta de a le darui acestora un cadou. Pentru ca cei mici sa stie cine s-a gandit la ei noi iti dam o mica felicitare pe care sa ti scrii numele sau un gand bun.
De asemenea, Asociatia Touched Romania sustine Centrul Maternal Casa Agar prin vanzarea de bijuterii unicat create de catre mamici. Printre expozantii care sustin proiecte de ajutor pentru tinerii defavorizati, se afla si Ateliere Fara Frontiere si Asociatia Inimi Deschise care vor expune la targ produsele lor deosebite.
Va asteptam cu drag sa facem o fapta buna, sa intram in spiritual sarbatorilor, sa bem un ceai sau sa gustam o prajitura de casa, sa ascultam colinde, sa cumparam cadouri si de ce nu, sa primim si noi unul special. Sa daruim celor din jur bucurie.


Christmas Decorations and Gifts are here....

If you are looking for the perfect gift for Christmas...why not have a look at these? ;)

For prices you can check out our Facebook page on : www.facebook.com/shookadesign


Swap de Craciun cu Atelierul (3rd Edition)

Yay! Eu si ShOOka suntem deja la al treilea swap in acest an!
Deabia asteptam swap-ul de craciun la care ne-am si scris de mult!
Mai sunt cateva zile pana pe 26 Noiembrie cand se anunta partenerii!!!!

Hai si tu!

Let's do this! Xmass is around the corner!


Expozitie ShOOka la BeautyFeria Spa Centre

ShOOka va invita sa vizitati Beautyferia Art & Medical Spa Centre in Bucuresti, cu ocazia lansarii saptamanii Galeriei de Arta "Bijuterii - fantezii ale sufletului" unde veti putea admira si achizitiona produsele noastresi beneficia de mici demonstratii de remodelare corporala si masaj Lomi Lomi !

Mai sunt doua zile in care veti putea beneficia de demonstratii, azi 12/10 si maine 13/10. Dar produsele noastre vor fii expuse timp de o luna pana in Noiembrie!

Sper ca veti face timp sa vizitati Spa Centre-ul !!!




Hey Ladies!! Here is my new SPECIAL SUMMER COLLECTION!!!

"Purple Splash" Statement Necklace
PRICE: 120 RON (£20.00)

"Victorian Flowers" Statement Necklace
PRICE: 70 RON (£12.00)

"Garden of Eden" Statement Necklace
PRICE: 140 RON (£25.00)

"Black Heart" Lace Necklace
PRICE: 60 RON (£11.00)

"Butterfly's Nest" Necklace
PRICE: 50 RON (£10.00)

"Pink Pearls" Necklace
PRICE: 60 RON (£11.00)

"Tribal Mask" Necklace
PRICE: 30 RON (£6.00)

"Summer Sensation" Statement Necklace
PRICE: 110 RON (£19.00)

"Tribal Mask" Necklace
PRICE: 30 RON (£6.00)


Swap-ul de Vara!!

Tocmai am aflat ca se organizeaza editia de Vara a Swap-ului de la Revista Atelierul.
Ma bucur ca am ocazia sa particip pentru a doua oara....prima data am avut-o ca partenera pe Anky de la Bo3mia de la care am primit un pachetel primavaratic....see it below!! <3

Pentru a afla mai multe detalii despre acest swap....mergeti aici !!

Revista Atelierul


ShOOka at another handmade fair!

We will be waiting for you at the ILH Handmade fair in Bucharest on 9th and 10th of June 2012 from 10 am to 20 pm.
Come and visit us and see our brand new summer collection before anyone else! 


Colourful Bracelets

How about these beauties? 
Which colour would you prefer? 

Limited edition <3 
Email to order: shookadesign@yahoo.com

Price: 15 RON (£3.00)


Moustache Love

Moustache Collection will be our first men's collection including bracelets, pendants and necklaces, keyrings, and lots more....

Here begins the surprise...

"Sweetheart Collection"

Blue Nightingale Earring and Pendant Set   

Soon you will meet the entire collection here...

Middle Eastern feel...

Our spring Collection has some oriental hints to it...don't you just love Evil Eye beads, coins and handmade ceramic beads brought all the way from the Middle East?? :)

Evil Eye Chandeliers (matching bracelet available)
Hand of Fatima Bracelet
Purple Moonstone
Ceramic Oriental Bracelet
Rainbow earring and bracelet set

For pricing and postage info see our facebook page or email us on 


Good news...

Good news is on the way....Spring Collection is out, new collaborations taking place and the Summer Collection promises to be WOW! It will have a different twist...it will be different from all you have seen from ShOOka. 

I was planning on having a special Spring Collection but unfortunately my materials were just delivered and it's now too late... so hang on till summer ShOOka lovers (for the biggest surprise ever!).

Spring is here...finally!

Yes !
Spring is finally here...you can tell by the smell of the flowers on the street! And of course my allergy is back, hap-choo!!


Me & ShOOka

Me & ShOOka at the Women's Day Fair in Bucharest....

Do you like them?

p.s. I made some new friends too!! so happy!


Happy International Women's Day!!

Hello ShOOka lovers

Here's to wish you all women out there, a very happy and cheerful day! May your life be en rose just like these flowers..


50% off ...Grab them before they are gone!

I have a few items left from the Winter Collection 2011-2012 and they are now 50% off... So grab them before they are gone!!

                                                         Blue Sky Ring

                                                     Pink Dream Set

                                                         Black Mask

                                                      Maroon Night

                                                        Golden Sand

                                                       Paisley Patterns

                                                      White Feathers
                                                          Blue Moon

                                                      Red Bubbles

For prices and postage, leave a comment or email me on shookadesign@yahoo.com

Thanks lovelies....


* Spring Fair in Bucharest *

Hello everyone!!
It was great to see some of you and of course meet lots and lots of lovely people at the Spring Fair in Bucharest organised by ILoveHandmade.ro. We were there with lots of handmade designs last weekend on 24-25th February. 
The fair was organised in order to celebrate Mărțișorul - which is an old Romanian celebration at the beginning of spring, on March the 1st. Symbolically, it is correlated to women and to fertility as a means of life and continuity. The tradition is authentic in Romania and Moldova. It is celebrated by giving women a gift: a twisted red and white wool string that nowadays is accompanied by an accessory and most cases a brooch.

The great news is that we will be there again next weekend on 3rd-4th March celebrating International Women's day! So come and grab a gift for your love ones ;)

I am making handmade fun greeting cards as well....let's see what we can come up with!! I love scrapbooking ;)

Welcome to ShOOka's NEW BLOG!

ShOOka brings a Sprinkle of Sparkle in your life with its unique handmade jewelry and accessories from earrings, necklaces, rings, to brooches, key rings and greeting cards and more....

I have opened this new blog as the previous one is shut down because of IT problems, I could not log back in so I asked Google to shut it down for me. I have not managed to understand yet what happened but here we are with a brand new blog and great news for you.

Our Spring Collection will be up soon, vibrant and full of colour!!
